Using the Tree Model to present problems

Visual Presentation

Using pictures or models to communicate ideas like the Tree model is one of the best and easiest ways to learn, solve problems, and simplify things. There is even a science called visual management.

The Tree Model

Most quality experts, when presenting a problem to others, they use the Tree Model to Display for finding and simplifying the results and help plan the next corrective action.

The Tree Model has three parts:

The leaves: represent the appearance of the issue or its results, mostly the part that is visible to people.

The Trunk: Represents the problem which is barely visible through the leaves

  • The trunk is the obvious part of the problem to people
  • The trunk is where most problem solvers stop their investigation after discovering/reaching it, thinking that it is the real cause of the problem

Roots: the real causes of the problem, which are hidden from view

Let’s explain the Tree model more with an example

One of the managers noticed that he had a restless and anxious employee. After investigating the issue, he used the tree model to explain the employee’s problem:

Leaves (symptoms of the problem that appear): 
anxiety, headache, confusion
Trunk (Problem): 
Work pressures
Roots (cause of the problem):
Inability to organize time

Some benefits of representing the problem with the tree

I found from my long experience working with projects that a short visual explanation will help others understand the message and focus on thinking in the right direction.
 We can use the tree model in:
-Explanation to the top management
 have found that a quick explanation in the form of a tree helps the top management to easily understand the pillars of the problem and to make the right decision about the problem.
-To spread lessons about expected the issues and introduce the team to it
I found that in this way I can make the team working on the problem agree on the causes of the problem, and when explaining it to the rest of the team or those affected by the problem or to clarify the lessons learned from the problem, presenting it in the form of a tree makes everyone easily imagine its pillars and facilitates the transfer of information and unification of opinions
-New employee training
I found that using it speeds up the training of new employees on the expected problems in their work and makes it easier for them to ask questions that increase the speed of their learning
– Build a database of the most important problems and their causes

Free mini-course

I have made a free mini-course on this subject.

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